Published: 26/11/2021
New ANZSCO Release
The fourth revision since the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) was established in 2006 has been released and is limited to a targeted update of occupations relating to agriculture, cyber security and naval ship building. The updates in this release have been made by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in consultation with other Australian Government Agencies.
The targeted occupations are based on priority areas for the Australian labour market.
Please see below for a detailed list of occupations and explanatory notes.
ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2021 Australian Update | ||
Table 1: ANZSCO codes modified between Version 1.3 and 2021 Australian Update | ||
Released at 11:30am (Canberra time) 23 November 2021 |
ANZSCO code | Description | Description of modification |
121111 | Aquaculture Farmer | Alternative title(s) and Specialisation(s) revised |
121211 | Cotton Grower | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121212 | Flower Grower | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121213 | Fruit or Nut Grower | Category deleted and code retired |
121214 | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower / Field Crop Grower | Category deleted and code retired |
121215 | Grape Grower | Category deleted and code retired |
121216 | Mixed Crop Farmer | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121217 | Sugar Cane Grower | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121218 | Turf Grower | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121221 | Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ) | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
121299 | Crop Farmers nec | Category deleted and code retired |
121312 | Beef Cattle Farmer | Specialisation(s) revised |
121313 | Dairy Cattle Farmer | Lead statement and specialisations revised |
121316 | Horse Breeder | Specialisation(s) revised |
121317 | Mixed Livestock Farmer | Category deleted and code retired |
121322 | Sheep Farmer | Specialisation(s) revised |
121323 (new) | Mixed Cattle and Sheep Farmer | Category added |
121411 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer | Category deleted and code retired |
121511 (new) | Cotton Grower | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121512 (new) | Grain, Oilseed, Pulse or Pasture Grower / Field Crop Grower | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121599 (new) | Broadacre Crop Growers nec | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121513 (new) | Sugar Cane Grower | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121611 (new) | Flower Grower | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121612 (new) | Fruit Grower | Category added |
121613 (new) | Nut Grower | Category added |
121614 (new) | Production Nursery Grower | Category added |
121615 (new) | Turf Grower | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121616 (new) | Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ) | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
121617 (new) | Wine Grape Grower | Category added |
121699 (new) | Horticultural Crop Growers nec | Category added |
121711 (new) | Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farmer | Category added |
121799 (new) | Mixed Production Farmers nec | Category added |
133111 | Construction Project Manager | Lead statement and specialisations revised |
133512 | Production Manager (Manufacturing) | Specialisation(s) revised |
133611 | Supply and Distribution Manager | Specialisation(s) revised |
135111 | Chief Information Officer | Specialisation(s) revised |
135112 | ICT Project Manager | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
222111 | Commodities Trader | Specialisation(s) revised |
223211 | ICT Trainer | Category deleted and code retired |
223311 | Training and Development Professional | Specialisation(s) and task list revised |
224113 | Statistician | Specialisation(s) and task list revised |
224214 | Records Manager | Specialisation(s) revised |
224711 | Management Consultant | Lead statement and Specialisation(s) and revised |
224712 | Organisation and Methods Analyst | Specialisation(s) and task list revised |
225112 | Market Research Analyst | Lead statement revised |
225113 | Marketing Specialist | List of tasks and Specialisations revised |
225114 | Content Creator (Marketing) | Category added |
225115 | Digital Marketing Analyst | Category added |
233411 | Electronics Engineer | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
233511 | Industrial Engineer | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Specialisation(s) revised |
233914 | Engineering Technologist | Specialisation(s) revised |
233916 | Naval Architect / Marine Designer | Specialisation(s) revised |
233999 | Engineering Professionals nec | Specialisation(s) revised |
234112 | Agricultural Scientist | Category deleted and code retired |
234114 (new) | Agricultural Research Scientist | Category added |
234115 (new) | Agronomist | Category added |
234116 (new) | Aquaculture or Fisheries Scientist | Category added |
234516 | Marine Biologist | Lead statement revised |
234518 | Zoologist | Category deleted and code retired |
234521 (new) | Entomologist | Category added |
234522 (new) | Zoologist | Category added |
234599 | Life Scientists nec | NEC Occupation list revised |
234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist | Category title revised |
234612 (new) | Respiratory Scientist | Category added |
234912 | Metallurgist | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
234999 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec | NEC Occupation list revised |
261113 (new) | User Experience Designer (ICT) | Category added |
261312 | Developer Programmer | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
261314 | Software Tester | Lead statement revised |
261315 (new) | Cyber Security Engineer | Category added |
261316 (new) | Devops Engineer | Category added |
261317 (new) | Penetration Tester | Category added |
262112 | ICT Security Specialist | Category deleted and code retired |
262114 (new) | Cyber Governance Risk and Compliance Specialist | Category added |
262115 (new) | Cyber Security Advice and Assessment Specialist | Category added |
262116 (new) | Cyber Security Analyst | Category added |
262117 (new) | Cyber Security Architect | Category added |
262118 (new) | Cyber Security Operations Coordinator | Category added |
263299 | ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | NEC Occupation list revised |
311111 | Agricultural Technician | Category deleted and code retired |
311112 (new) | Agricultural and Agritech Technician | Category added |
311113 (new) | Animal Husbandry Technician | Category added |
311114 (new) | Aquaculture or Fisheries Technician | Category added |
311115 (new) | Irrigation Designer | Category added |
311217 (new) | Respiratory Technician | Category added |
311299 | Medical Technicians nec | NEC Occupation list revised |
311313 | Quarantine Officer | Category title, lead statement and alternative titles revised |
311314 (new) | Primary Products Quality Assurance Officer | Category added |
311399 | Primary Products Inspectors nec | Category title, lead statement and NEC Occupation list revised |
312412 | Electronic Engineering Technician | Lead statement and Specialisation(s) revised |
312912 | Metallurgical or Materials Technician | Lead statement and Specialisation(s) revised |
312914 (new) | Other Draftsperson | Category added |
312999 | Building and Engineering Technicians nec | NEC Occupation list revised |
341111 | Electrician (General) | Task list and Specialisation(s) revised |
361116 (new) | Track Rider | Category added |
361211 | Shearer | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
362211 | Gardener (General) | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
362212 | Arborist | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
362213 | Landscape Gardener | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
362311 | Greenkeeper | Category deleted and code retired |
362312 (new) | Sports Turf Manager | Category added |
362313 (new) | Sports Turf Trades Worker | Category added |
362411 | Nurseryperson | Lead statement and Specialisations revised |
362511 (new) | Arborist | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
362512 (new) | Tree Worker | Category added |
362611 (new) | Gardener (General) | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
362711 (new) | Landscape Gardener | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
362712 (new) | Irrigation Technician | Category added |
363111 | Aquaculture Supervisor | Category added |
363112 | Fishing Leading Hand | Category added |
363113 | Forestry Operations Supervisor | Category added |
363114 | Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist | Category added |
363115 | Senior Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker | Category added |
363116 | Senior Broadacre Crop Farm Worker | Category added |
363199 | Senior Aquaculture, Crop and Forestry Workers nec | Category added |
363211 | Senior Beef Cattle Station Worker | Category added |
363212 | Senior Cattle and Sheep Farm Worker | Category added |
363213 | Senior Dairy Cattle Farm Worker | Category added |
363214 | Senior Piggery Stockperson | Category added |
363215 | Senior Sheep Farm Worker | Category added |
363299 | Senior Livestock Farm Workers nec | Category added |
363311 | Shearer | Category added |
363312 | Wool Classer | Category added |
399213 | Power Generation Plant Operator | Task list and Specialisations revised |
399917 | Wool Classer | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
399999 | Technicians and Trades Workers nec | Specialisation(s) revised |
599514 | Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector | Category title, Lead statement and Alterntive title(s) revised |
711314 | Other Wood Processing Machine Operator | Specialisation(s) revised |
712912 | Bulk Materials Handling Plant Operator | Lead statement and Specialisation(s) revised |
721111 | Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator | Lead statement and tasks revised |
721112 | Logging Plant Operator | Lead statement revised |
733111 | Truck Driver (General) | Specialisation(s) revised |
831212 | Slaughterer | Lead statement revised |
839312 | Product Grader | Specialisation(s) revised |
841111 | Aquaculture Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841211 | Fruit or Nut Farm Worker | Category deleted and code retired |
841212 | Fruit or Nut Picker | Category deleted and code retired |
841213 | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Worker (Aus) / Field Crop Farm Worker (NZ) | Category deleted and code retired |
841214 | Vegetable Farm Worker (Aus) / Market Garden Worker (NZ) | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841215 | Vegetable Picker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841216 | Vineyard Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841217 | Mushroom Picker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841299 | Crop Farm Workers nec | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841311 | Forestry Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841312 | Logging Assistant | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841313 | Tree Faller | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841411 | Garden Labourer | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841412 | Horticultural Nursery Assistant | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841511 | Beef Cattle Farm Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841512 | Dairy Cattle Farm Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841513 | Mixed Livestock Farm Worker | Category deleted and code retired |
841514 | Poultry Farm Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841515 | Sheep Farm Worker | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841516 | Stablehand | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841517 | Wool Handler | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841599 | Livestock Farm Workers nec | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841611 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker | Category deleted and code retired |
841911 | Hunter-Trapper | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841913 | Pest Controller | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
841999 | Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers nec | Category moved to new Unit group; code retired |
842111 (new) | Aquaculture Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842211 (new) | Cotton Farm Worker | Category added |
842212 (new) | Fruit Farm Worker | Category added |
842213 (new) | Fruit Picker | Category added |
842214 (new) | Grain, Oilseed, Pulse and Pasture Farm Worker (Aus) / Field Farm Worker (NZ) | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842215 (new) | Mushroom Picker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842216(new) | Nut Farm Worker | Category added |
842217 (new) | Sugar Cane Farm Worker | Category added |
842218 (new) | Vegetable Farm Worker (Aus) / Market Garden Worker (NZ) | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842221 (new) | Vegetable Picker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842222 (new) | Vineyard Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842299 (new) | Crop Farm Workers nec | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842311 (new) | Beef Cattle Farm Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842312 (new) | Cattle and Sheep Farm Worker | Category added |
842313 (new) | Dairy Cattle Farm Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842314 (new) | Livestock Husbandry Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842315 (new) | Piggery Farm Worker | Category added |
842316 (new) | Poultry Farm Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842317 (new) | Sheep Farm Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842318 (new) | Stablehand | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842321 (new) | Wool Handler | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842399 (new) | Livestock Farm Workers nec | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
842411 (new) | Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker | Category added |
842499 (new) | Mixed Production Farm Workers nec | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843111 (new) | Forestry Worker | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843112 (new) | Logging Assistant | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843113 (new) | Tree Faller | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843211 (new) | Garden Labourer | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843311 (new) | Horticultural Nursery Assistant | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843411 (new) | Pest Control Technician | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843911 (new) | Hunter-Trapper | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843912 (new) | Irrigation Assistant | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
843999 (new) | Forestry and Garden Workers nec | Category moved from old Unit group; code created |
899212 | Fishing Hand | Alternative title(s) and Specialisation(s) revised |
Abbreviations | |
ABS — Australian Bureau of Statistics ANZSCO — Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations nec — not elsewhere classified Stats NZ — Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa |
Codes modified | |
1. This table presents the set of ANZSCO Version 1.3 occupations which have been modified by the 2021 Australian Update. There are eleven types of modification and combinations of these are also possible – Alternative Title(s) revised, Lead Statement revised, Tasks revised, Moved to another Unit Group; code retired Moved from old unit group: code created, Category added, Category deleted and code retired, NEC occupation list revised, Category Title revised, Specialisation(s). | |
2. Alternative Title(s) revised refers to the situation where new Alternative titles are added, or existing ones are deleted. An example is the addition (deletion) of “Urban Forester” as an Alternative Title for 362212 – Arborist.. | |
3. Lead Statement revised refers to the situation where the lead statement of an occupation is modified. An example is the addition of “for forestry conservation and production purposes” to the lead statement of 721112 – Logging Plant Operator to provide additional precision regarding this occupation. | |
4. Tasks revised refers to the situation where the task list (at the Unit group level) has been amended. An example of this is the addition of “installing, testing and commissioning solar photo voltaic (PV) power generation systems” in the task list for Unit group 3111, Electricians. | |
5. Moved to another Unit Group; code retired refers to the situation where the occupation’s Unit Group has changed. An example is the reclassification of 361211 – Shearers from ANZSCO Version 1.3 Unit Group 3611 to 2021 Australian Update Unit Group 3633. | |
6. Moved from another Unit Group; code created refers to the same situation as point 5 above, and appears next to the new occupation code. For the example of Shearers, it will appear next to the new code 363311. | |
7. Category added refers to a newly created occupation code in the 2021 Australian Update. These codes are not present in previous versions of ANZSCO. | |
8. Category deleted and code retired Refers to occupations that are no longer included in the classification. In many cases this is due to the creation of two or more new occupations from an existing occupation. In this instance, the original occupation is deleted and the code retired. | |
9. NEC occupation list revised refers to the situation where the set of occupations contained with a nec occupation are revised. An example is the removal of “Aerospace Draftsperson” from 312999 – Building and Engineering Technicians nec. | |
10. Category Title revised refers to the situation where the occupation’s title has been modified to clarify its definition. An example is the change for 311111 – Quarantine Officer to Biosecurity Officer. | |
11. Specialisation(s) revised refers to the situation where new Specialisations have been included or deleted. Examples are the addition of “Solar Installer” and the removal of Heavy Coil Winder as specialisations from 341111 – Electrician (General). |
Source: ANZSCO – Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
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