Citizenship Application Fee Changes 2023

Citizenship Application Fee Changes 2023

As of 1 July 2023, the citizenship application fees in Australia increased.

Australian Citizenship Application Fees

Application type Government Application Fee
15 years or younger with parental consent $330
Aged 16 or 17 $330
Aged between 18 – 59 $540
Aged 60 years or over $330
Child 15 years or younger applying on the same form as parent Nil

Other situations

Form Application Type Government Application Fee
Australian citizenship by descent Single application / First sibling when two or more siblings apply $345
Second and each subsequent sibling applying at the same time $145
Australian citizenship for children adopted under full Hague Convention or bilateral arrangements Single application / First sibling when two or more siblings apply $345
Second and each subsequent sibling applying at the same time $145
Resumption of Australian citizenship Application Fee $230
Evidence of Australian citizenship Separate application for evidence of Australian citizenship $265
Application for replacement of evidence of Australian citizenship lost, destroyed, or damaged due to a natural disaster Nil

There are fee concessions or exemptions available for certain individuals. For example, if you hold a Pensioner Concession Card, you can get a reduced fee when applying for citizenship by conferral. Fees are subject to change and indexation is applied to citizenship fees on 1 July each year.

What date did the fees change

The most recent citizenship application fee changes took effect on July 1st, 2023. The Australian government has a policy of indexing the application fee for Australian citizenship. This means the fee is subject to periodic adjustments in line with changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to account for inflation and rising costs. Refer to the Department of Home Affairs for the latest information.

Australian Citizenship Requirements

There are three ways to become an Australian citizen:

  • By birth: If you are born in Australia and at least one of your parents is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia at the time of your birth
  • By descent: If you are born overseas to an Australian citizen.
  • By conferral: If you are a permanent visa holder who is residing in Australia

There are certain requirements you must meet for Australian citizenship, the most common being citizenship by conferral. Other requirements may include:

  • being an Australian permanent resident,
  • living in Australia for a period of four years with absences of less than 12 months,
  • living in Australia for the last 12 months as a permanent visa holder with absences of less than 90 days,
  • being of good character,
  • having an adequate knowledge of your responsibilities and privileges as an Australian citizen, and
  • intending to reside in Australia, or to preserve a close connection with Australia.

There are also various discretions and special considerations which may vary the general requirements of the above ways to obtain citizenship.

If you are a permanent visa holder who is unable to meet the general requirements for citizenship due to personal circumstances, it would be worth contacting us to determine your eligibility for citizenship. Learn more about Australian Citizenship Requirements.

Australian Citizenship Assessment

With our representation and management of the process, our mission is to make applying for Australian Citizenship to the Department of Home Affairs a straightforward process for you.

A migration lawyer from our office can review your information and provide written advice on your eligibility for Australian Citizenship.

This Is Australia with our affiliate at This is Australia Lawyers has been providing Australian Citizenship advice and assistance since 2001.

We can represent you and make it a straightforward process. Our Australian Citizenship Consulting Fee is $350 + GST. You can begin the assessment process with us today!

Call +61 (0)8 7918 2565
Or schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.

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